Monday, October 07, 2024

Approval Voting vs Ranked Order Voting

There I remembered it. You know I’m in favor of ranked order of voting. I saw a post saying that Americans are too confusable to be able to deal with ranked order voting and therefore we should do approval voting. In approval voting you simply check each candidate that you wouldn’t mind having win Win. Americans are too stupid to be able to check numbers 123 and four for their favorite candidates then how the hell did they ever manage to learn how to use cell phones?

Monday, December 04, 2023

World getting more and more screwed up. Climate Change, Ukraine, Gaza Strip, Voting rights, sheep still following orange pumpkin.

Monday, June 26, 2023

For all budding engineers: 

This should be laser engraved on a little plaque, given to every graduating engineering student. Maybe to every graduating architecture student as well.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Russia will be Paying for Their behavior, Forever!

“You cannot bomb Kyiv in the morning and dock your yacht on the Côte d’Azur in the evening,” the deputy prime minister of Canada, Chrystia Freeland, wrote in the Financial Times this month.
All the social media providers are beginning to insist that they should know your cell phone number.  They do this because cookies are becoming outdated, and are being replaced by 1st party trackers.  In short, the FaceBk app will be able to see where you go, how much time you spend there, and get a shorthand version of your life, and sell the data to companies who will buy you as part of a demographically selected group.  ZERO PRIVACY!  Is Elon Musk going to throw the election is Trump's direction, to curry favors with Putin's puppy? Is Elon Milo-MinderBinder just looking out for number One?

How Myers-Briggs Jesus Made Me an Involuntary Bio-Dad.

How Myers-Briggs Jesus Made Me an Involuntary Bio-Dad.

I am collecting tales from other fathers who have had the same sort of experiences I have had, and am writing an anthology of the same, including of course, my own.  Please contact me on Facebook, at Douglas Keachie.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

All the social media providers are beginning to insist that they should know your cell phone number.  They do this because cookies are becoming outdated, and are being replaced by 1st party trackers.  In short, the Facebook app will be able to see where you go, how much time you spend there, and get a shorthand version of your life, and sell the data to companies who will buy you as part of a demographically selected group.  ZERO PRIVACY!  Is Elon Musk going to throw the election is Trump's direction, to curry favors with Putin's puppy? Is Elon Milo Minderbinder writ big?

Thursday, March 10, 2022
Putin is threatening nuclear suicide as a means to commit atrocities un-hindered. The West has not figured out how to stop him. Putin and the majority of Russians who believe his FAKE NEWS about what is happening in their name, will do without the western Starbucks and McBurgers.  Can they do without the petro sales?  Time will tell. Very weird future in store, most world billionaires vs the rest of us.

Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Hoping lack of Cheeseburgers will slow or stop invasion.  Maybe a retreat even?
Locked out of FB for time being. Company name with cap and the last of Bezos c-1

Monday, August 23, 2021

Facebook is becoming untenantable as a secure place to store stuff, so back to here I go.

Douglas Keachie asked a question .

Vaxxed folks have one small area, top of nasal passages, where the test swab goes, that can support Covid. The rest of the body, including the lungs, the t-cells rule, destroying Covid when they find it. Now, who would you rather have sneeze on you? Unvaxxed person with raging Covid in the lungs, or a vaxxed person, one tiny spot just under the brain? Use yours to develop the logical answer to this question.


I'm tired of playing nice when ignorant "T" Worders threaten the medical personnel, add to our costs for the medical system, and threaten the lives of the general public with their stupidity. Why pussy-foot around the issue? FB AI freaks out and jails you if you use the word I really mean when I say, "T" Worders


Weak-minded, compartmentalized, thinkers (sic) resort to blocking when they can't handle real, peer reviewed, statistically based, science. I'll wait for time to tell the full story, and wonder if they & their loved ones will manage to live through it? it's a pretty ugly death to risk, and even if not death, plenty of other long term medical issues can arise. Sometimes living up here is no different than living at Hunters Point. Yes, mainly due to Climate Change, we ARE CONS…
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Current statistics today, on Covid vaxxed & unvaxxed, totally, completely, and unequivocally show the effectiveness if the vaccines. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, people screaming for FDA approvals and funniest of all, results of long term studies, Yeah, with 620,000 dead, I'm gonna wait 15 years to the age of 91 to see how those long term studies turn out? How funny can you get?


Trump and his bully followers have brought us to this medical catastrophe. They are using Covid to bully all the rest of us. They've been bullying all the way since 2016. They just bullied California into wasting a quarter of a billion dollars on a silly election. Trump lost this state, Newsom won it, overwhelmingly. Wasting taxpayers money, the Republican way, see also, MegaBusiness subsidizes.


Validity Rating (abbreviated VR: -5, -4 -3 -2 -1 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Leave as a comment. Example: "VR -5," meaning, "this is totally off the wall and inappropriate for this group, IMHO." or "VR +5" meaning, "Outstanding question, should result in lots of growth & enlightenment, IMHO."


This is my strategy and my reasons. Summary: Vote NO on Recall, and then vote Dan Kapelovitz.
Vote NO on recall, and then choose the one Green candidate who is really Green. The other one listed that way, Heather, is a Libertarian in Green clothing, a very sneaky Libertarian, a liar, just like Trumpanzee. Make sure she doesn't syphon Green voters from the real candidate. So here you go. Vote Dan, AFTER voting NO on recall.
It is important to remember that voting "no" on the…
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The UnMasked & UnVaxxed (& probably Climate Change Deniers too) all part of the Great Brotherhood of Disinformed Fussies. Look closely at initials. The last two initials.


Biden and all the rest, missed an important point. Afghan forces, virtually all male. How much did they have to lose, as compared to women of Afghanistan? We trained the wrong sex.


Biden misses an important point. Afghan forces, all male. How much did they have to lose, as compared to women of Afghanistan?
Seen by everyone


QAnon – Fake News Ninja
QAnon – Fake News Ninja
QAnon The term “QAnon” is used by the main stream media, big tech (Wikipedia), and others to try and discredit something they either did not look into, do not want to look into it, or are willingly misleading the public about. There is no “QAnon”, there is only Q (unknown person/entity) and ...


Watts is what pulls your train. 746 watts = 1 horsepower.
Volts x Amps = watts, so 12v at 60 amps is 1 hp, 24 volts at 30 amps is also 1 hp.
Amps is what burns wiring... You need heavier wire (switches, connectors, relays) to do the same job at 12 volt.


Dear Facebook & Zuckerberg, I would like to apply for position of buyer and tester of stuff that keeps showing up that is way way underpriced. You provide the credit card to make the purchases & shipping & handling & taxes, and I will report if I ever receive it, in what condition, etc. I get to keep anything that shows up and is what it purports to be.