Thursday, April 09, 2020

Peace Pipe for Dems, Fusion Platform.

The Dems are divided into two groups. Those who fought for Bernie and his ideas, 1/3rd, and those willing to go along with whatever centrist the DNC had as the flavor of the day, which now turns out to be Biden. I say this because I watched Bloomberg layout rather detailed plans of how to move forward, but when he didn't catch fire, the DNC backed off. Never seen any plans from Biden.

Now here is the challenge for the 2/3rds. How do you attract and encourage the 1/3 to become active supporters of a Biden campaign?

Do you do it by saying in advance that Biden will lose and it will be the fault of the Bernie Bros?

Do you do it by poo-pooing any of Bernie's ideas, especially Universal Health Care, especially when staring the greatest argument ever for it, Covid-19?

Do you do it by belittling them in any of a thousand different ways?

Or do you do it by offering to include substantial portions of Bernie's Platform in a new Fusion Platform?

"It's a voter's questions, I 'd really like to know...."
"Sitting here patiently, watching the wheels go round...."
BTW, it's only 50:50 that Biden will be the nominee, for a variety of reasons.......

Saturday, April 04, 2020

PBS, NPR and the local video and radio stations, need to allow for universal access via ONE Passport that gets ALL stations Nationwide, full schedule at each one, 24/7/365.

An app to access wherever, could also track usage of each outlet, and distribute funds 50% on the basis of usage. This goes along with a penny an article for newspapers and magazines, instead of this crazy "Subscribe to US!" that goes on all the time.

I'd pay $250 to PBS/NPR/LocalStations (KVMR) and others.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Hack Proof Elections

On Hack Proof Elections:

Vote at an electronic terminal. When done, the machine spits out three copies of how you voted, in a human and machine readable form. Each one has an identical code, just for you. Look at all three, and make sure they are identical.

On site there are two ballot boxes, one marked "State," the other marked, "County" You place one copy in each, but first use a local scanner, and see if the electronics reads out the same as what you see, for each copy. You will be watched to make sure you put one in each box.

The county and state will independently scan the ballots, and will independently come up with totals. If they differ, an investigation begins.

This does not preclude the use of the electronic totals only, to get early returns. Mostly likely, after implementation of this system, there will be no efforts to break it, so the early electronic results will most likely always match up.

You can go online and check to see your ballot again, using the code on your copy, and to see that both county and state have received your ballot.

There, I fixed it.