Sunday, November 12, 2006

Support Our Troops, Listen to Them when they Vote!

Technorati Profile

If they've got time to blog about it, they've got time to vote about it.

Is there any reason why we could not poll all active military on duty in Iraq on their sense of the situation ?

The ballots could be identified by rank only, and only totals for each rank released. Otherwise it would be a secret ballot. Anecdotal evidenced can be gathered by the armload to support any argument. A good poll is the American Way to the Truth.

Sample questions:

Should we leave immediately ?
Should we stay and if so, for how long ?
How many more troops or fewer troops should we station here ?
How many on the borders, how many in town ?
How much would more expenditures on infrastructure help as compared to other allotments ?
What does the common soldier need most that he doesn't have ? (This would be a type-in to preserve anonymity.)

In short we could gather the database necessary for Wil Wright to issue a new game called, "Sim Iraq," and give Congress a real feel for what is going on, using the knowledge of those in Iraq at all levels.

"We've never done that and we're not going to start now!"

"Not Invented Here" Strikes Again !

When you get right down to it, this would be the most striking demonstration of American Democracy ever !

Or is that not what we're promoting over there ?

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