Thursday, January 01, 2015

A Good Year to Invest?

For everyone who invests in the stock market and makes the right choices, there is going to be another who works just as hard, makes very carefully researched choices, and winds up losing it all, back to square one. Not even Warren Buffet is precisely able to call the house on that one. The big brokerages love to see that mythof little guy saves cash, invests, and makes it big, perpetuated, it brings in more suckers to the table.

Now I ask you, who in the game gets to see all the cards of enough of the other players to make statistically accurate and useful predictions about the other players future moves?

Who get to know in advance the future buys and sell of the other players?

Who made certain that there are no taxes paid on the up to $40,000,000,000 bought and sold every single day? ( a .25/$100 bought/sold would go a long way towards solving the national debt). They are also the overseers of the fiction of "trading" rather than buying and selling, which would make the tax target way more obvious.

Such a tax would be the perfect "flat tax," which so many libertarians thin would solve the world's ills. Rich and poor would pay at the same rate.

Yes who indeed, other than the major richer than stink brokerages? They could own it all, but that would make way too obvious what is going on. They trout fish the pockets of the American middle and lower classes.

Yes indeed the stock market might be better called the "stick market" and unowho is the one getting stuck but good. BTW, even on the way down, the big brokerages are smiling all the way to the banks. Is there a way down due soon.

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