Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Atomic Facts the Media Hides from You.

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There is a pretty good case for non coverage of several scientific facts. 

 Back in the 1960's, the Atomic Energy Commission hired physicist and MD, Dr. John Gofman, to design and carry out experiments to determine safe levels of radiation. His basic setup was a radiation source, contained in a well shielded cylinder, in the center of evenly spaced plants, extending outwards about 50 to 100 feet. The cylinder had a narrow slit that could be opened, to douse any given sector with a fixed amount of radiation over time. The cylinder could also be rotated. The findings were simple and straight forward: The closer to the radioactive source, and the longer the exposure, the more damage occurred. Even on the periphery, any exposure at all resulted in damage. 

After years of research, and an 11 man crew, the AEC shut him down, and sent all his papers to his house. Two months later, on a clear summer's day, the garage where the papers were stored, suddenly and ferociously caught fire. 

 I learned this from him, in his living room, as he was a close friend of my ex father-in-law. He later wrote books on the topic, you may want to read them. This is Fact #1.


Fact #2 A great deal in the press is made of the notion that the emission from a microscopic particle of radioactive matter, is no more than "normal background radiation." This is true, and thus makes detecting radioactive particles in your food difficult, without purchasing very sensitive and directional equipment.


Fact #3 While the detected amounts of radioactive emission may be the same, the medical effects of background radiation vs being irradiated by one tiny radioactive particle lodged in your thyroid or bone marrow, are very, very different. 

That tiny particle consists of millions and millions of radioactive isotopes, each one, in turn, going "sprong," and emitting a radioactive sub-atomic particle (these vary from isotope to isotope), and that sub-particle goes "whang" against the other atoms closest to it, and may cause a variety of effects. If it was just one random "whang" occurring at entirely different locations in you body, no big deal, that's the same as background radiation. 

But it is NOT random. It is happening over and over again at the same micropoint in your body, and, eventually, enough hits to the same cells, and one will go to cancer. This is the knowledge you need to understand, and it is not what corporate and governmental controlled media are willing to admit, for financial, and for panic reasons, AFAIK.  

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