Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Fear and Its Offspring

Technorati Profile

Winston Churchill said, "the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself."

I beg to differ.

Most people have concerns about what happens after ones molecules refuse to cooperate with one another, which usually happens by age 110 or sooner.

Most people are afraid of other people who behave differently than they do.

Consequently a great many religions have sprung up to make sure various groups feel that they have "The Handle on Truth." It usually includes some notion of an afterlife, or at least a reason for no afterlife.

Unfortunately too often an opinion about something we really have no clear handle on, say, the way we are familar with water makes us wet, is used as an excuse to destroy or shun those who happen to have a differing opinion. Those that are gone (dead)or pretend gone (shunned) cannot interfere with your particular prejudices about post body experiences, which is often used as a foundation for general social behavior.

I guess that it is reassuring to believe that you've got the one and only answer, and all who don't think your way, are just a source of fear that You May Not Have The Right Answer. You simply cannot cope with ambiguity, so hi ho, off to church, temple, mosque you go. And some use such religious centers to launch rockets at pregnant women and small children. All in the name of a diety who is probably not very impressed.

On a lighter note, maybe we should pay Nevada's best to go put on their finest performances as virgins and keep the Arab males a wee bit less warlike. If the government were to put billions into sexual substitute bots, it just might defuse some of the tensions around the planet. Or maybe the government should offer training to young males in what they can do to be more attractive to the opposite sex, actually a much better route to a more humane world.

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