Thursday, July 26, 2012

To Do List, Aurora, Colorado

Technorati Profile

Alarm those emergency exit doors in all theatres NOW.

Make purchase of firearms or ammo cash or check only transactions, avoids stockpiling by those who don't plan on being around to pay for it all,

Require turning in of spent shell casings to get a like amount, plus 50% more. Initial purchase may be only up to two boxes otherwise.

BTW, another cool thing to do is to send money to this address,

Caleb Medley Benefit Fund
Canon National Bank
401 E. Main Street Unit A
Florence, CO 81226
(719) 784-5393

and send a copy of the check, account numbers blocked out, to BOTH Presidential candidates, explaining that since they had not taken a strong stance for a national review of the lack of adequate and effective gun control legislation and mental health, money which you had earmarked for them is going directly to the victims of the Aurora Massacre.

If it kills 12 people and wounds 70 plus even after it has jammed, and a shotgun has to be used as backup, then BOTH can be considered "assault rifles (even with the non rifled bore). Technical term quibbles have no place in the hospitals of Denver and around the emergency rooms of the USA today.

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